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Concord KidzConnect is a First Baptist Concord ministry that offers after-school care and summer day camp programs to the community.

Our KidzConnect program provides a safe, fun-filled environment where children can play, make friends, develop a love for God’s Word, and discover a meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ. Our workers are trained to team up with parents in providing the best possible care for children’s spiritual, emotional, physical, social, and cognitive needs.
Both programs at Kingston Pike are for any child enrolled in Kindergarten through 8th Grade.
After-School Care:
Student Pick-up Locations:
Concord Christian School
Farragut Primary
Farragut Intermediate
Office Hours:
10:00 AM - 5:30 PM
7:30 AM - 5:30 PM - Summer and In-Service Days 
Contact Us:
Director of KidzConnect: Jessica Sowa 865-672-1446
KidzConnect Office Phone: 865-672-1447